New Lenox Fire Protection District
Changes to District Services
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By New Lenox Fire Protection District
March 19, 2020

To the residents and visitors of our District-

We want to reassure you that the New Lenox Fire Protection District has planned and are prepared to deal with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are taking the following measures to help protect the public and our staff while continuing to provide service:
*All District facilities are closed to the Public and office staff that is able to have been told to work remotely from home.
*We are asking all builders to consider our collective health and safety and only conduct essential business until further notice and contact the Life Safety Division to scheduled any necessary inspections, by calling 815-463-4500 or email
*The Village of New Lenox will be collecting any impact fees during this time for us and should still be made out in a separate check to New Lenox Fire Protection District.
*Laraway Communications Center (LCC) our dispatch center will be asking everyone who calls 9-1-1 screening questions to help protect the responding members. These questions will allow our members and the police to protect themselves if needed. When we arrive the members of our department may be wearing masks, glasses or goggles and a gown or coveralls to protect themselves and could ask you to step outside of the house if you are able.

We are being proactive in the protection of our members to allow them to still be able to protect the community and not become sick themselves. Please remember the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to stay home if you are able, practice social distancing and practice good hygiene.

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Firehouse Solutions
New Lenox Fire Protection District
261 East Maple St.
New Lenox, IL 60451
Emergency Dial 911
Phone: 815.463.4500
Fax: 815.485.3959
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